Advanced Law for Economics. Selected Essays

Siclari Domenico , Roberto Miccu\'
Giappichelli Editore - 2016


In the context of the internationalization of teaching and academic research, in this volume are published a series of original ‘Advanced Law for Economics’ essays, which could serve both as a textbook in the advanced courses of Italian university studies for students from all over the world and to spread knowledge of Italian financial market and economic regulation abroad, so also promoting the attraction of foreign investments. Part I deals with Economic public law issues, as well as Economic Constitutionalism, public and private enforcement and regulatory objectives pursued by the public enforcer, public enterprises in Italian legal order, the Italian model of ‘parliamentary appointing power’ at Independent Administrative Authorities.(leggi tutto)

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In the context of the internationalization of teaching and academic research, in this volume are published a series of original ‘Advanced Law for Economics’ essays, which could serve both as a textbook in the advanced courses of Italian university studies for students from all over the world and to spread knowledge of Italian financial market and economic regulation abroad, so also promoting the attraction of foreign investments. Part I deals with Economic public law issues, as well as Economic Constitutionalism, public and private enforcement and regulatory objectives pursued by the public enforcer, public enterprises in Italian legal order, the Italian model of ‘parliamentary appointing power’ at Independent Administrative Authorities. Part II deals with Banking and Financial law issues, as well as banking corporate governance and non executive directors in Italian law, anti-money laundering policies and the protection of financial integrity, composition with creditors and debt restructuring arrangements, deposit guarantee schemes and depositor preference regulation.



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