Accounting restatement: a European perspective – e-Book

Giappichelli Editore - 2020


This book is motivated by the long-lasting, although still recent, discussion on how to ensure that accounting numbers, while supported by auditors’ favourable opinions, are definitely reliable and eliminate any suspicion that accounting reports could be affected by opportunism, which is documented by the discovery of frequent accounting mistakes. The book analyses and discusses restatements from both the theoretical and the practical perspective, considering the complex environment in which they may occur and focusing particularly on accounting restatements that have affected European corporations for over a decade since the mandatory adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards.(leggi tutto)

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This book is motivated by the long-lasting, although still recent, discussion on how to ensure that accounting numbers, while supported by auditors’ favourable opinions, are definitely reliable and eliminate any suspicion that accounting reports could be affected by opportunism, which is documented by the discovery of frequent accounting mistakes. The book analyses and discusses restatements from both the theoretical and the practical perspective, considering the complex environment in which they may occur and focusing particularly on accounting restatements that have affected European corporations for over a decade since the mandatory adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards.



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